My name is going to Mars on @NASAPersevere! Beautiful launch this morning. I got this boarding pass and my name is stenciled onto a chip built by @NASAJPL that is onboard the Mars rover. @uncg @UNCG_CAS @UNCGResearch @emiliapoet @Interplanetypod @spaceflashnews @Botany_nerd
My name is going to Mars on @NASAPersevere! Beautiful launch this morning. I got this boarding pass and my name is stenciled onto a chip built by @NASAJPL that is onboard the Mars rover. @uncg @UNCG_CAS @UNCGResearch @emiliapoet @Interplanetypod @spaceflashnews @Botany_nerd
Retweet on TwitterUNCG Research Retweeted
22 Jul
As baseball season winds up, learn how UNC System research @EastCarolina, @UNCG, and @appstate will help keep ballplayers and other athletes healthy and in the game.
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Hispanic Research Center@NRCHispanic·
22 Jul
Our new brief investigates the factors that shape how Latinx families with low-income (less than roughly $52,400 for a family of 4) use #childcare for their infant and toddler children.